Tournaments are how all online and mobile poker games are played, and it is no different at the online poker site. The tournaments give players a chance to compete with huge prizes and ones with average prizes. Every tournament advertises the big prize and details of smaller prizes that can be won along the way. Some tournaments run for days and weeks with prizes of up to $13 Million, such as the infamous OSSCUB30XI, and others run for a day or a few hours. There are weekend options, and there are sit and go tournaments, and there are seasonal tournaments for different times of the year. Each tournament offers one type of poker game, whether it is Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Omaha hi-low, Seven Card Stud, or Seven Card Stud hi-low. All poker games are played in more or less the same way with small differences, such as the Omaha game start with four cards and the Texas Hold'em games start the players with two cards. The massive choice of daily, weekly, and monthly options, together with the huge prize pools, encourage players to try out more and more of the options and enjoy some of the exclusive tournaments.